The prevention, detection and treatment of a variety of health conditions depend on accurate and reliable diagnostic testing. As an integral part of the health care team at Saint Michael’s Medical Center, our comprehensive pathology and clinical laboratory service provide the most current standard of practice diagnosting methodology critical to the care and well-being of our patients.
Physicians throughout Saint Michael’s Medical Center and affiliates rely on our multidisciplinary specialists in surgical pathology, cytopathology, blood bank, chemistry, hematology, microbiology, urinalysis, among others for timely and precise analysis of various patient samples. The staff in the Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratory, a College of American Pathologists (CAP) accredited program, take pride in delivering the highest quality and personalized care for our patients and physicians.
For further information, contact us at 973-877-5200.
Contact Information:
St. Michael’s Medical Center
Department of Pathology and Clinical Laboratory
111 Central Avenue – Annex Building
Newark, NJ 07102
Tel. 973-877-5200 (Pathology)
973-877-5571 (Clinical Laboratory)
Fax. 973-877-2712
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