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Abigail Clavijo has worked in healthcare for more than 30 years and serves as the IT Department manager at Saint Michael’s

Saint Michael’s Medical Center is proud to celebrate the contributions and accomplishments of women during Women’s History Month in March. Abigail Clavijo has worked in healthcare for more than 30 years and serves as the IT Department manager at Saint Michael’s, where she oversees the day-to-day operations in the Data Processing Department as well as the management of various tasks to include prioritizing daily tickets, reviewing and educating the team with updates related to hardware, application upgrades and new projects. Abigail answered a few questions about herself for Women’s History Month.

Question: Did you always know that working in information technology, specifically in healthcare, was what you wanted to do? How did you decide to go into this?

Answer: I did not know when I entered the healthcare field that I would be working in the field of Information Technology. Working in healthcare I was given the opportunity to learn and grow in different departments and learned about workflows and how EMR (electronic medical record) systems connect. As a new EMR, scheduling system, PACS (picture archiving and communications system) deployment and upgrades were in the implementation process, I was given the opportunity to work alongside the project management team. I enjoyed the critical thinking element so much that it helped me realize my passion for Information Technology.

Q: Information technology can be a demanding field. How do you balance work and life?

A: It can be a demanding field, and having good time management skills is definitely a plus. I make it a conscious effort almost daily to ensure I prioritize work-related duties as well as my family responsibilities. Having a good balance helps to ensure everyone is happy.

Q: What advice would you give a woman considering a career in the information technology industry? What do you wish you had known?

A: There are many positions in the field of Information Technology. My advice would be to explore, be curious, be flexible, be a sponge, etc. Take time to learn about yourself and never second guess your first instincts.

Q: Do you have any women in your life or in history that inspire you? If so, who and why?

A: Yes, my mother is my biggest inspiration. She taught me from early on to be humble, grateful, respectful, and understanding; and that there is nothing I can not accomplish with hard work to achieve success.

Q: COVID impacted all levels of healthcare. How did it affect your team’s work and how did your team aid the hospital through the pandemic?

A: During COVID, we worked in the hospital without a remote option. We assisted the staff and patients with technology needs to include virtual options, as well as troubleshooting and exchanging hardware required for staff use. It was definitely a scary time, but we worked together and supported each other; and got through it.